Unwrapping God’s Surprise: Baby Boy or Baby Girl?

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he or she

Well, today’s the big day. We find out (hopefully!) whether we are having a boy or a girl. And while I’d be delighted to repaint the nursery pink, I’ll rejoice equally if we find out we are having boy number three.

If you or someone you know is out there expecting a baby, pass this along to them. Because for all of us, (whether we choose to be surprised on the day of birth or find out at an ultrasound), it’s very common to have some degree of gender disappointment or perhaps anxiety. Due to our own family history, we may feel more prepared to care for a boy or a girl. Or the quiet dreams we’ve been dreaming since childhood may revolve around ballet recitals for a sweet baby girl or camping trips with a little boy cub.

As I see it, whether you bring home a bundle of pink or a bundle of blue, you can trust that God particularly chose you as the mother of this girl or this boy.

God chose this child for you before the foundations of the world. He hand-picked you to parent this little one. This baby’s gender is no surprise to him. And God knows this child particularly needs you as his or her mother. God also knows the world particularly needs this some-day man or woman.

The Bible also teaches us that both sexes are made in the image of God. Some of the ways in which men and women reflect the image of God are the same, and some of those ways are different, but taken together they give us a fuller picture of the God whom we worship and enjoy. This child will be a particular glimpse of the glory of God, and God is giving the world in which we live that particular glimpse of his glory for a purpose.

Who am I to doubt a God who sees the end from the beginning? Who am I to lament his wise choice?

God’s wisdom is perfect. And we wait expectantly to see how he in his wisdom has chosen to bless this family.

Little one, we rejoice in you… pink or blue.

Want to take a guess? Leave your comment below. I’ll update you after we tell the fam.

Waiting in Wonder by Catherine Claire Larson

And if you like what you’re reading, consider getting a copy of my devotional, Waiting in Wonder: Growing in Faith While You’re Expecting for yourself or as a gift for an expectant mom you know. 

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