Terrified Yeses, Tiny Surrenders, and a Free Poster Print for You
Have you ever been too afraid to do something you knew God was asking you to do?
My new book, Watching in Wonder: Growing in Your Faith During Baby’s First Year, hits shelves and doorsteps in less than two weeks and as I think about this book, I think about how God put this book on my heart almost 10 years ago. And though I didn’t have time then, He was not going to let me forget.
When we found out we were going to have our sixth baby, I knew that even though I had less time than ever before it was time to trust God and say “yes” to what he’d put on my heart.
The “yes” of faith is sometimes terrifying, isn’t it? I didn’t know how I was going to get it done. I just knew God was going to make a way.
And that’s what He did. With my belly bulging, with a newborn in my arms (again), with homeschooling 5 boys, little by little day by day He gave me 10 minutes here and ten minutes there and I said, “OK God, just show me your Word for the new mamas. Show me your heart for them.”
There were lots of quiet little moments of surrender along the way. Surrendering my free time, surrendering time I usually spend on my boys, surrendering time doing social/fun things, and surrendering my fears that maybe I couldn’t do it.
I was right. I couldn’t do it. But God could and I got to be amazed at how one little terrified “yes” and a thousand little surrenders can make a seemingly impossible mountain move.
So here’s my encouragement and question for you today: do you need to say yes to something that He has been tapping on your heart about? Listen, friend, don’t be afraid. He is bigger than your inadequacies, bigger than your fears, bigger than your obstacles.
Or even if you are afraid, just take it to God, and go with your trembling “yes”. He will take it.
Want a sneak peak inside this book God brought to life from my white-knuckled “yes”? Check it out here and pre-order your copy today.

Every pre-order really helps this book gain visibility in terms of its rankings. Books with higher rankings get recommended more which mean more people find it. And to me that means that more women are encouraged to walk more closely with Jesus, grow in a deep and fearless faith, and pass that passion on to their families and others. That to me is a mountain moving.

Oh and I almost forgot, I made a little gift for you: you can download either an 8 1/2 x 11 or 18x 24 poster print inspired by this message of small faith, big mountains. You’ll also find at this link all my freebies, including nursery Scripture prints, and my Lenten Kids Bible Reading Paper Chain.
Thank you,
Catherine Claire Larson
P.S. Last week I promised to share with you a little trailer for the book that my marketing team has made. You can catch it either here on Instagram or here on Facebook and I would absolutely be so appreciative if you could share it with your friends on social media or your email list by forwarding this email. And if you don’t already, follow me on the social pages, I’d love to have you join me!